The FLCC is excited to recognize Finnish Lapphunds who have reached achievements in Conformation and Performance, and to appreciate breeders and owners who have contributed to their dogs' successes.
ROMC Awards recognize dogs who have produced progeny that have excelled in the show and/or performance rings.
Full members of the FLCC may apply for the following ROMC awards: Register of Merit Canada (ROMC) Register of Merit Canada Excellence (ROMCX) Register of Merit Canada Excellence - International (ROMCX-I) Register of Merit Canada Performance (ROMC - P) Register of Merit Canada Excellence Performance (ROMCX - P)
VERSATILITY AWARDSVersatility Awards recognize owners who have worked to put conformation and/or performance titles on their dogs.
Full members of the FLCC may apply for the following Versatility Awards Versatility Novice (FLVN) Versatility Bronze (FLVB ) Versatility Advanced (FLVA) Versatility Silver (FLVS) Versatility Excellent (FLVE) Versatility Gold (FLVG)
Note that these awards shall be retroactive back to January 1, 2009 when the FLCC became a CKC affiliated club.
Criteria for awards is explained below and on the Recognition Awards document. |
APPLICATION DEADLINEThe deadline to apply varies and is dependent on when the National Specialty is held. Applications will be due approximately 1 month prior to the National.
1. Download the relevant application 2. Send the application form to the FLCC Statistician Mail: FLCC Awards c/o Kerri Perras 783 Sassaby Place, Campbell River, BC V9W 8B2 Email: [email protected] Awards certificates will be presented at the National Specialty each year. FLCC members who are not in attendance will have their certificates mailed to them. Recognitions will also be included in our annual “Yearbook” that is available at the National. If you are not attending the National, you can still purchase the Yearbook as a personal keepsake. |
(ROMC) |
Upon application by the owner, a dog will be awarded the ROMC title if it has produced 5 Canadian conformation champions, with no individual dog counting more than once toward the total. Supporting documentation may be required in order to verify titles listed prior to granting the award
The dog must have achieved a CKC "Champion" status (please note the FLCC will accept Altered recognitions.) |
Upon application by the owner, a dog will be awarded the ROMC title if it has produced 10 Canadian conformation champions, with no individual dog counting more than once toward the total. Supporting documentation may be required in order to verify titles listed prior to granting the award
The dog must have achieved a CKC "Champion" status (please note the FLCC will accept Altered recognitions.) |
Upon application by the owner, a dog will be awarded the ROMC title if it has produced 10 conformation champions. Five (5) of such titles must be Canadian, and the remaining 5 may be Canadian and/or championship titles from international FCI organizations. No individual dog may count more than once toward the total. Supporting documentation may be required in order to verify titles listed prior to granting the award.
The dog must have achieved a CKC “Champion” status (please note the FLCC will accept Altered recognitions) |
Upon application by the owner, a dog will be awarded the ROMC title if it has produced 5 performance titled offspring, with no individual dog counting more than once toward the total. Supporting documentation may be required in order to verify titles listed prior to granting the award
Eligible titles include “single titles” and “culminating titles.” Single titles refer to individual titles earned within a single discipline; culminating titles refer to combined titles earned within a single discipline. |
Upon application by the owner, a dog will be awarded the ROMC title if it has produced 10 performance titled offspring, with no individual dog counting more than once toward the total. Supporting documentation may be required in order to verify titles listed prior to granting the award
Eligible titles include “single titles” and “culminating titles.” Single titles refer to individual titles earned within a single discipline; culminating titles refer to combined titles earned within a single discipline. |
The FLCC Performance Versatility Program, will follow similar requirements as the CKC Versatility Program, however the Board of Directors has decided to include performance titles from other (predominantly Canadian) dog sport organizations.
The FLCC will award the following Versatility Titles: Versatility Novice (FLVN) Versatility Advanced (FLVA) Versatility Excellent (FLVE) Versatility Bronze (FLVB) Versatility Silver (FLVS) Versatility Gold (FLVG) |